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Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club

ホーム: ようこそ!

About Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club

東京ESS(Emerging Super Speakers) トーストマスターズ・クラブは、全世界で約15,000の



(Toastmasters Internationalの詳細はこちら)の認定クラブです。



Tokyo ESS (Emerging Super Speakers) Toastmasters Club is a member club of Toastmasters International, a highly renowned nonprofit educational organization which is consisted of around 15,000 member clubs with more than 280,000 members around the globe (for details of Toastmasters please see here).  Among the toastmasters clubs which has around 100 years of history, this club is a relatively young club having celebrated

its 10th anniversary in 2021.


In this club, we conduct meetings twice a month only in English, with the goal of cultivating the member’s English and international communication skills in addition to improving public speaking skills and leadership skills which is the common goal of Toastmasters International.

当クラブは、2011年に東京大学、慶應大学、早稲田大学、上智大学、明治大学、青山大学等の英語サークル(ESS:English Speaking Society)のスピーチ・セクションの学生・卒業生を中心に、ESS卒業生達が社会に出てからも英語力やパブリック・スピーキング能力などを研鑽する場を提供し、“ESS:Emerging Super Speakers”を輩出することを目的として


This club was originally established primarily by the students and graduates of the English Speaking Societies (ESS) of universities, including the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Waseda University, Sophia University, Meiji University, Aoyama Gakuen University, in order to provide opportunities for the ESS graduates to enhance their English and public speaking skills also after graduating from universities,

and to produce Emerging Super Speakers (ESS).



Currently, members with diverse background such as entrepreneur, English teacher and lawyer from various countries aging between 20s through 50s are active

pursuing their respective goals through our fun and interactive meetings.



Since we have started to conduct hybrid-meetings for both online and offline participants, which allowed foreign members living abroad to join, making the diversity even greater.

例会では、メンバーの数人があらかじめ準備したスピーチを行い、他のメンバーからフィードバックを受けるPrepared Speechのほか、参加者がランダムに指名され、その場で与えられたテーマで短いスピーチを行うTable Topic Speechのコーナーなどもあり、1回だけ参加してみたい、という方でも充実して楽しい時間を過ごせるようになっています。

Our meetings are also enjoyable and meaningful for guests regardless of

whether they intend to become a club member.  We have various sessions within a meeting,

such as the prepared speech session where the members give their prepared speeches

and receive feedbacks from others members, as well as the table topic session,

where the participants will be given a topic randomly,

on which the participant must deliver a short speech on the spot.



The information on the future meetings are uploaded on our website or facebook page.  Please feel free to join us regardless of whether you are thinking about becoming a member (※1).  Please contact us at if you wish to join our meeting

or have any questions.

ー基本情報(Basic Information) ー

団体名(Organization):東京ESSトーストマスターズクラブ(Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club)

活動頻度(Frequency of meetings):月2回(第2・4日曜日)、各回約2時間(Twice a month on 2nd and 4th Sundays, each meeting is for about 2 hours)

活動場所(Venue):Hybrid (Midorigaoka+Zoom) / Online (Zoom)コメ 


英語に自信がない方も大歓迎です。) (English.  While the meeting will be conducted only in English, we welcome guests who are not confident with their English skills)




※1 体験参加(入会しないでの参加)は3回までとなります。



Guests may join meetings up to three times without coming a member.  While we never push guests to join the club, we would be to explain about

the details on how to become a member after the meeting.

※2 対面の会場は、回によって異なりますので、


Please note that the physical venue changes for each meeting. 

Please contact us in case you wish to physically attend our meeting.

ホーム: 概要 Overview

Upcoming Meetings

  • 2024/01/28(Sun) 13:30-15:30

  • 2024/02/11(Sun) 13:30-15:30

  • 2024/02/25(Sun) 13:30-15:30

  • 2024/03/10(Sun) 13:30-15:30

  • 2024/03/24(Sun) 13:30-15:30

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ホーム: テキスト

​​例会の進め方 Progress of the meeting

​​例会の構成 Components of the meeting


The meeting is composed of three parts, Prepared Speech, Table Topic, and Evaluation sessions. 


In the prepared speech session, the speaker prepared a speech for 6 to 20 min durations according to the educational guide book named Pathways originally developed by Toastmasters International. Regularly, we have two or three speakers for the prepared speech session. We vote 
 the best speaker from them at the end of the session.


In Table Topic Session, Table Topic Master (TTM) conducts the session. TTM prepared some questions for the table topic speakers, and some audiences answer the questions within 2 min and 30 seconds. 4-8 people answer the questions. We vote for the Best Table Topic Speaker from the people who answered the questions at the end of the session.

休憩を挟み、論評セッションに移行します。論評セッションは、General Evaluatorが進行を務めます。各準備スピーカーに対して、あらかじめ論評者が決められており、各3分程度で準備スピーチの内容についてスピーカーにフィードバックを行います。トーストマスターズでは、この論評をとても重要視しており、スピーカーに対してだけでなく、論評者も論評と通じてパブリックスピーキングのスキルアップを図ります。論評者の中から投票でBest Evaluatorを選出します。

After taking a break, we have Evaluation Session. General Evaluator is the conductor for the evaluation session The evaluators are set for the respective prepared speakers and give feedback within 3 min 30 seconds. In Toastmasters Clubs, we recognize the evaluation feedback essential not only for speakers but also for evaluators themselves for improving public speaking skills. We vote for the best evaluator from them after the timer's report.

ホーム: 例会の進め方 Progress of the meeting

​役割 Roles

In the meeting, the audiences take some roles for improving their skills.

ホーム: 役割 Roles

Toastmaster of the day (TMoD)

TMoDは、例会の進行役です。役割担当者の紹介、準備スピーカーの紹介、テーブルトピックマスターの紹介、General Evaluatorの紹介などを行い、例会全体の進行が時間通りに行われるように進行を行います。

TMoD is the master of ceremony. He/She introduces role takers, such as Ah-Counter, Timer, Grammarian, Table Topic Master, General Evaluator, and prepared speakers. TMoD also manages the time for progressing the meeting on time collaborating with Timer.

Helper: Ah-Counter


Ah-Counter counts overused or unnecessary words or filler sounds like ah, um, er, well, etc, and reports to the respective speakers. The speakers usually don't recognize to use such words. The role is important for improving speaking skills for the speakers. 

Helper: Grammarian

全てのメンバーのボキャブラリーや文法の向上を担う重要な役割です。まず、例会の冒頭に本日の単語Word of the Day (WOD) を全員に紹介します。例会中には各人なるべくその単語を使うようにして話をします。Grammarianは各人がWODを使った回数をカウントし、Evaluation Sessionの最後に全員にレポートします。また、例会中に使用された模範的・印象的だった表現、また、不適切な表現やもっと適切な表現を指摘し解説します。

The Grammarian plays an important role in helping all club members improve their grammar and vocabulary. And this position Introduces a "Word of the Day" that helps meeting participants increase their vocabulary; Display the word, part of speech, and a brief definition with a visual aid and prepare a sentence showcasing how the word should be used.

Helper: Timer


Timer is responsible for monitoring the time of meeting segments and speakers. Taking on this role improves time management skills one of the skills Toastmasters practice is expressing a thought within a specific time. As Timer you are responsible for monitoring time for each meeting segment and each speaker. Throughout the meeting, listen carefully to each participant and signal them accordingly by using time showing card.

Table Topic Master

Table Topic Masterは、Table Topic Sessionを取り仕切ります。いくつかの質問を準備しておいて、参加者を指名し回答してもらいます。準備なしでの問いかけに対して咄嗟の反応力を鍛えます。4-8名の回答が終わったら、Timerにレポートをお願いし、回答時間が適切な回答者の中からBest Table Topic Speakerを選出します。

The Topicsmaster delivers the Table Topics session of the meeting, which hold an impromptu speech of some speakers. Topics master select topics in advance of the meeting that allow speakers to offer opinions. Give members who aren't assigned a speaking role the opportunity to speak during the meeting by assigning impromptu talks on non-specialized themes or topics.

General Evaluator (GE)


General Evaluator evaluates everything that takes place during the club meeting. This position is responsible for the evaluation team: the speech evaluators, Ah Counter, Grammarian and Timer. During the meeting, take notes and report on all club proceedings to evaluate things such as timeliness, enthusiasm, preparation, organization, performance of duties, etc.


Toastmasters の教育プログラム
An Educational System in Toastmasters Club

Toastmastersでは、「パブリックスピーキング」、「対人間コミュニケーション」、「戦略的リーダーシップ」、「マネジメント」、「自信」という5つのコンピテンシーの開発を目的として、Pathwaysというオンライン教育システムを用いています。クラブの会員になることで自動的にToastmaster InternationalサイトのPathwaysシステムにアクセスが可能となります。Pathwaysには学びたい過程に応じて11のPathが用意されています。

  • ダイナミックなリーダーシップ

  • 効果的なコーチング

  • 人を引き付けるユーモア

  • 革新的な企画立案

  • リーダーシップの開発

  • 動機づけ戦略

  • 影響力ある説得

  • プレゼンテーション熟達

  • 戦略的な人間関係

  • チームコラボレーション

  • 洞察力に富むコミュニケーション


​In Toastmasters club, we use an educational system named "Pathways" for developing five core competencies, "Public Speaking," "Human Communication," "Strategic Leadership," "Management," and "Confidence ." The members can access the Pathways system on the Toastmaster International site. Eleven paths according to your prefered competency are provided, such as
Dynamic Leadership,
Effective Coaching,
Engaging Humorous,
Innovative Planning,
Motivational Strategies,
Persuasive Influence,
Presentation Mastery,
Strategic Relationships,
Team Collaboration,
and Visionary Communication.
Subjects are provided according to Levels from 1 to 5. The subjects are optimized for developing the respective competencies.  Members learn it themselves, and also well-experienced mentors help your studies.

ホーム: Pathways


ホーム: Photos
ホーム: Photos

​入会手続き Enrollment


You need to pay $20USD for a new member fee and $60 USD and ¥1,800 dues for 6 months.

入会金は、初めてToastmasters Clubに入る時のみ必要。

既に他のToastmasters Clubに所属している場合は不要です。

If you belong to another Toastmasters club, you don't need to pay the new membership fee.

ホーム: 入会手続き


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ホーム: お問い合わせ

©2020 by Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club。 で作成されました。

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