About Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club
東京ESS(Emerging Super Speakers) トーストマスターズ・クラブは、全世界で約15,000、28万人を超えるメンバーを擁する国際的な非営利教育団体トーストマスターズ・イン ターナショナル(Toastmasters Internationalの詳細はこちら)の認定クラブです。

Tokyo ESS (Emerging Super Speakers) Toastmasters Club is a member club of Toastmasters International, a highly renowned nonprofit educational organization which is consisted of around 15,000 member clubs with more than 280,000 members around the globe (for details of Toastmasters, please click here).
In this club, we conduct meetings twice a month only in English, with the goal of cultivating the members' English and international communication skills in addition to improving public speaking skills and leadership skills which is the common goal of Toastmasters International.
例会では、メンバーの数人があらかじめ準備したスピーチを行い、他のメンバーからフィードバックを受けるPrepared Speechのほか、参加者がランダムに指名され、その場で与えられたテーマで短いスピーチを行うTable Topics Speechのコーナーなどもあり、1回だけ参加してみたい、という方でも充実して楽しい時間を過ごせるようになっています。
Our meetings are also enjoyable and meaningful for guests regardless ofwhether they intend to become a club member. We have various sessions within a meeting,such as the prepared speech session where the members give their prepared speechesand receive feedbacks from others members, as well as the Table Topics session,where the participants will be given a topic randomly,on which the participant must deliver a short speech on the spot.
The information on the future meetings are uploaded on our website or Facebook Page. Please feel free to join us regardless of whether you are thinking about becoming a member (※1). Please contact us at esstmcspeech@gmail.com if you wish to join our meeting or have any questions.
ー基本情報(Basic Information) ー
団体名(Organization):東京ESSトーストマスターズクラブ(Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club)
活動頻度(Frequency of meetings):月2回(第2・4日曜日)、各回約2時間(Twice a month on 2nd and 4th Sundays, each meeting is for about 2 hours)
活動場所(Venue):Hybrid (Ikejiri Ohashi+Zoom) / Online (Zoom)
言語(Language):英語(例会は全て英語で行いますが、日本人メンバーも多くいますので、英語に自信がない方も大歓迎です。) (English. While the meeting will be conducted only in English, we welcome guests who are not confident with their English skills)
Facebook, Instagramも随時更新中です!以下のアイコンから是非フォローしてください!
Please follow our Instagram and Facebook Page from the icons below!
※1 体験参加(入会しないでの参加)は3回までとなります。こちらから入会を強く勧めるようなことはいたしません。ご希望があれば、体験でいらした際に入会手続等についてもご説明します。
Guests may join meetings up to three times without becoming a member. While we never push guests to join the club, we would be to explain about the details on how to become a member after the meeting.
※2 対面の会場は回によって異なりますので、体験にいらっしゃる場合は事前にご確認いただけますと幸いです。
Please note that the physical venue changes for each meeting. Please contact us in case you wish to physically attend our meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
2025/2/23 (Sun) 13:30-15:30 (Hybrid)
2025/3/9 (Sun) 13:30-15:30 (Online)
2025/3/23 (Sun) 13:30-15:30 (Hybrid)


入会手続き Enrollment
You need to pay $20 USD for a new member fee and $60 USD and ¥1,800 dues for 6 months.
入会金は、初めてToastmasters Clubに入る時のみ必要。
既に他のToastmasters Clubに所属している場合は不要です。
If you belong to another Toastmasters club, you don't need to pay the new membership fee.