About Tokyo ESS Toastmasters Club
東京ESS(Emerging Super Speakers) トース トマスターズ・クラブは、全世界で約15,000、28万人を超えるメンバーを擁する国際的な非営利教育団体トーストマスターズ・インターナショナル(Toastmasters Internationalの詳細はこちら)の認定クラブです。約100年の歴史を持つトーストマスターズの認定クラブとしては比較的若く、2021年に10周年を迎えたばかりの団体です。
Tokyo ESS (Emerging Super Speakers) Toastmasters Club is a member club of Toastmasters International, a highly renowned nonprofit educational organization which is consisted of around 15,000 member clubs with more than 280,000 members around the globe (for details of Toastmasters, please click here). Among the toastmasters clubs which has around 100 years of history, this club is a relatively young club having
celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2021.

Our Club Mission
In this club, we conduct meetings twice a month only in English, with the goal of cultivating the members' English and international communication skills in addition to improving public speaking skills and leadership skills which is the common goal of Toastmasters International.
当クラブは、2011年に東京大学、慶應大学、早稲田大学、上智大学、明治大学、青山大学等の英語サークル(ESS:English Speaking Society)のスピーチセクションの学生・卒業生を中心に、ESS卒業生達が社会に出てからも英語力やパブリック・スピーキング能力などを研鑽する場を提供し、“ESS:Emerging Super Speakers”を輩出することを目的として立ち上げられました。
This club was originally established primarily by the students and graduates of the English Speaking Societies (ESS) of universities, including the University of Tokyo, Keio University, Waseda University, Sophia University, Meiji University, Aoyama Gakuen University, in order to provide opportunities for the ESS graduates to enhance their English and public speaking skills also after graduating from universities,and to produce Emerging Super Speakers (ESS).
Currently, members with diverse background such as entrepreneur, English teacher and lawyer from various countries aging between 20s through 50s are activepursuing their respective goals through our fun and interactive meetings.
Since we have started to conduct hybrid-meetings for both online and offline participants, which allowed foreign members living abroad to join, making the diversity even greater.